Hole 10

Hole # 10

Par 4

285 Yards

Hole 10

The adventurous white men who first traveled through this region came for material gain. They were establishing trade with the Indians, staking out trapping territories for the fur business, and seeking routes to the Pacific.These men first explored this region in the autumn of 1811 and winter of 1812. They were in search of a water route to Astoria from the fertile trapping territories of Eastern Idaho.Their journey was an ordeal seldom duplicated in western history. The first white men who walked the banks of the Snake River were: Wilson Price Hunt, Ramsey Crooks, John Day, Donald McKenzle, Edward Robinon, John Hoback, Jacob Rezner, Robert McLellin, John Reed, Pierre Dorion, Toulsant Caronneau.

About Clear Lake Country Club

The best golf in Idaho! Clear Lake Country Club also features year-round fly fishing, a PGA pro-staffed golf shop, practice range, chipping and putting green, golf cart and club rentals. Our restaurant and lounge includes a daily lunch special, patio dining and shaded picnic area. RV hookups available.

Hours Of Operation

SUMMER HOURS - The golf shop is open from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. The golf shop reserves tee-times for members 14 Days in advance and 5 Days in advance for guests. Call the Golf shop at (208) 543-4849 for reservations.

WINTER HOURS - The clubhouse is open daily at 9:00 am - 4:00 pm (Bar-5:00 pm). Please call in advance, Club may be closed due to weather.

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